In the global urban public transportation electronic ticketing market, single-use ticket products are primarily MIFARE Ultralight paper tickets or tokens. With the advancement of CPU smart card technology and the cracking of M1 technology, the transportation market both domestically and internationally shows a trend of upgrading from M1 cards to CPU smart cards. Various intelligent card transportation industry standards have emerged. Internationally, these include Calypso, CEPAS, Felica, etc.,while in China, the Ministry of Transport's interconnectivity standards lead, supplemented by local city application standards and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development's interconnectivity standards.

Product Series
TimeCOS® Calypso Prime, Designed for transportation and multi-application, ready for multi-service and mobile.
- Ticketing across a wide range of platforms and environments, including multi-application and mobile
- Supports an account-based ticketing scheme
- Provides cross network and cross-border interoperability
- Stores a number of contracts / different ticketing options

Compliant with ISO 14443,Type B

Resonant frequency: 13.56MHz

Communication rates: 106kbps/212kbps/424kbps/848kbps

Supports DES, DESX, Triple-DES, AES

The TimeCOS® CEPAS product is based on the CEPAS standard and is widely used in Singapore's public transport system. The product supports fast and secure contactless ticketing transactions:
- Based on NFC technology, supporting quick throughput at transportation points
- Suitable for CBT or ABT schemes
- Used for MRT, buses, taxi services, parking systems, retail, and toll collection
- Continuously evolving to support future mobile needs and adapt to technology

Contactless RF interface ISO 14443 Type B

Fast transactions

Auto-reload wallet

High-performance RF antenna providing optimal read/write distance and RF stability